For any cigar aficionado, properly storing their prized collection is paramount. Cigars are delicate and require a specific environment to maintain their flavor, aroma, and smokability. Here’s where cigar cabinets enter the scene, offering a luxurious and functional solution for serious cigar enthusiasts.
Beyond the Humidor: The Allure of Cigar Cabinets
Cigar cabinets take the concept of a humidor to a whole new level. Unlike the smaller desktop humidors, cigar cabinets are essentially large, freestanding furniture pieces specifically designed for cigar storage. They typically range in size from holding a few hundred to several thousand cigars, making them ideal for those with extensive collections or for commercial settings like cigar lounges and retail stores.
The allure of cigar cabinets goes beyond just their impressive capacity. They offer several advantages over traditional desktop humidors:
Enhanced Aesthetics
Cigar cabinets are often crafted from beautiful woods like Spanish cedar or mahogany, making them a stunning addition to any home bar, living room, or office. They can be a true conversation starter and a testament to the owner’s passion for cigars.
Superior Climate Control
Cigar cabinets often feature more advanced humidification systems compared to desktop humidors. This can include electronic humidifiers with digital hygrometers for precise control over temperature and humidity.
Organization and Accessibility
Cigar cabinets typically come with multiple drawers or shelves, allowing for better organization of your collection. This makes it easier to find specific cigars and ensures proper airflow throughout the cabinet.
Long-Term Storage
The larger capacity of cigar cabinets makes them ideal for long-term cigar storage. This is particularly beneficial for those who age their cigars or have a collection of rare and valuable smokes.
Choosing the Right Cigar Cabinet for You
With a wide variety of cigar cabinets available, selecting the perfect one requires careful consideration. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
Size and Capacity
Consider the size of your existing cigar collection and your future collecting goals. How many cigars do you plan to store? Do you anticipate expanding your collection in the future?
Material and Construction
Look for cabinets made from high-quality, Spanish cedar wood for optimal humidity control. Ensure the cabinet has a tight seal to maintain consistent humidity levels.
Humidification System
Choose a cabinet that features a reliable humidification system with digital controls. This will allow you to precisely adjust the humidity level to suit your specific needs.
Features and Functionality
Consider additional features like cedar shelves, Spanish cedar dividers, and interior lighting for better organization and presentation of your cigars.
Cigar cabinets can range in price from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Determine your budget and choose a cabinet that offers the features and functionality you need within your price range.
Setting Up and Maintaining Your Cigar Cabinet
Once you’ve chosen your dream cigar cabinet, it’s time to set it up for optimal performance. Here are some essential steps:
Seasoning the Cabinet
Before placing your cigars in the cabinet, it’s crucial to properly season it. This involves using a humidifier to raise the humidity level to around 80% for several days. This allows the wood to absorb moisture and create a stable environment for your cigars.
Calibrating the Hygrometer
Ensure your hygrometer is accurate by calibrating it with a salt test solution. This will guarantee you’re getting accurate readings on the humidity level inside the cabinet.
Filling the Humidor
Once seasoned, fill the humidifier with distilled water and set the desired humidity level (typically between 68% and 72%). Arrange your cigars in the cabinet, ensuring proper airflow between them.
Regular Maintenance
Monitor the humidity level regularly and refill the humidifier as needed. Periodically clean the cabinet with a damp cloth and ensure the seal remains intact.