Dubai, the crown jewel of the United Arab Emirates, has transformed itself into a global hub for business and entrepreneurship. With its strategic location, world-class infrastructure, and progressive government policies, Dubai Mainland presents a fertile ground for businesses of all shapes and sizes. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur setting your sights on this dynamic market, understanding the process of business setup in Dubai Mainland is crucial.

Choosing Your Business Activity and Legal Structure

The first step on your Business setup in Dubai mainland journey is defining your purpose. Identify the specific industry and activities your company will undertake. Dubai Mainland offers a wide range of business activities categorized under various licenses.  The Department of Economic Development (DED) [] provides a comprehensive list to help you find the perfect fit.

Once you’ve identified your business activity, it’s time to choose the most suitable legal structure. Here are the main options:

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)

The most popular choice, offering flexibility and limiting owner liability to their investment.

  • Sole Proprietorship

 Ideal for small businesses wholly owned and managed by a single individual. However, this structure offers no liability protection.

  • Civil Company

 Similar to an LLC but with some restrictions on foreign ownership and commercial activities.

Foreign Ownership

 Dubai allows for 100% foreign ownership for both professional and commercial licenses in many sectors. However, some strategic activities might require a local Emirati partner.

Local Sponsor or Service Agent?

Depending on your chosen legal structure and business activity, you might need a local sponsor or service agent.

  • Local Sponsor

 Traditionally required for most LLCs, a local sponsor is a UAE national who holds a majority share (typically 51%) in the company. However, recent reforms have allowed for 100% foreign ownership in specific sectors.

  • Local Service Agent

 An alternative to a sponsor, a local service agent acts as a business intermediary, facilitating communication with government authorities and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Naming Your Company

Choosing a catchy and appropriate name for your business is vital. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Availability

 Ensure the name is not already registered with the DED.

  • Relevance

 The name should reflect your business activity.

  • Arabic Translation

 Consider having an Arabic translation of your chosen name for better market recognition.

  • Approval Process

 Submit your chosen name for DED approval.

Applying for a Mainland Trade License

The heart of operating your business in Dubai Mainland lies in obtaining a trade license. The DED issues licenses based on your chosen business activity and legal structure. The application process typically involves:

  • Submitting all required documents, including the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA) for companies.
  • Paying relevant government fees.
  • Obtaining necessary approvals from other departments depending on your specific activity (e.g., Dubai Municipality for food businesses).

Securing Your Office Space

While a physical office space is no longer mandatory for all businesses in Dubai, it can offer several advantages, such as fostering a professional image and facilitating collaboration.  You can choose from a variety of options, including:

  • Renting a traditional office space in a business district.
  • Utilizing co-working spaces for a more flexible and cost-effective solution.

Applying for Relevant Visas

To work legally in Dubai, you and your employees will need to obtain the appropriate visas. The type of visa will depend on your nationality, role in the company, and salary. Common options include:

  • Investor Visa: For owners and partners of the company.
  • Employment Visa: For employees working for the company.

Opening a Business Bank Account

Managing your finances efficiently is essential for any business. Once your company is registered, you can open a corporate bank account in Dubai. This allows you to receive payments, make business transactions, and manage your finances effectively.


Setting up a business in Dubai Mainland opens doors to a dynamic and flourishing market. With its strategic location, progressive policies, and world-class infrastructure, Dubai offers a launchpad for businesses to thrive regionally and globally.By carefully navigating the legalities, choosing the right legal structure and location, and complying with regulations, you can establish a successful venture in Dubai. Remember, seeking professional guidance from business setup specialists, legal consultants, and visa experts can significantly ease the process and ensure a smooth journey for your entrepreneurial ambitions in Dubai.